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28 Jul. 2022


Financial assistance from the UN for pensioners




Financial assistance from the UN for pensioners

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Pensioners who do not have the status of internally displaced persons will be able to receive UAH 6,660 from the UN Refugee Agency.

The Ministry of Social Policy reported that the department handed over to the UN a list of elderly persons who did not receive the status of IDPs, but applied for social benefits through the eDopomoha platform.

So, with the help of UNHCR, pensioners will be able to receive UAH 2,220 for three months.

Who can receive payments

Priority is given to pensioners from de-occupied, occupied territories or zones where hostilities continue, as well as persons with disabilities.

How to get help

You can submit an application for assistance from international organizations on the website eDopomoha. After filling out the questionnaire, the Ministry of Social Policy will check the correctness of the data and transfer the information to the international organization.

The decision whether to provide financial assistance and in what amount is decided directly by the UN.

In order for the elderly to feel safe in any situation, we advise you to take out health insurance that covers cases both in Ukraine and abroad.