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20 Mär. 2024


How to join the RVC, the Legion Freedom of russia or the Siberian Battalion: everything you need to know

How to join the RVC, the Legion Freedom of russia or the Siberian Battalion: everything you need to know

russian volunteer units continue to fight against the russian army on the territory of russia. The fighters are successfully fulfilling their missions and calling on russian citizens to join the units to fight against putin and his regime. Find out how to join the volunteer forces and what you need to do so

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Order a legal consultation on migration issues

Soldiers from the russian Volunteer Corps (RVC), the Legion Freedom of russia (LFR) and the Siberian Battalion have been fighting in the border regions of the russian federation for over a week. From the very beginning, the fighters voiced their goal of removing russian dictator vladimir putin, who usurped power and was "re-elected" as president of the country. In light of this, the volunteers are calling on russian citizens to join them in pursuit of their common goal. Find out how to join their ranks and what you need to do.

Volunteers from russia, who are fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under the white, blue and white flags, are just like Ukrainian troops, participating in repelling the aggression of the russian army. However, while Ukraine primarily aims to liberate all of its occupied regions, russian volunteers seek to overthrow putin's regime and free the kremlin from the usurper.

It should be understood that there are currently three separate units consisting of russian volunteers: 

1. the Legion Freedom of russia;

2. The russian Volunteer Corps;

3. the Siberia battalion.

So, let's talk about them in order.

Legion Freedom of russia 

The LFR consists of four functional elements, each with its own structure and number, namely

- an assault unit (including ATGMs and man-portable air defence systems)

- artillery component;

- UAVs (reconnaissance, correction and strike group);

- electronic warfare/reconnaissance unit.

How to join the Legion Freedom of russia?

To join the Legion, it is enough to be motivated and have basic physical fitness. The fighters promise to teach you everything else during the basic combat training course (about 2-3 months). You must also have russian citizenship.

You can submit an application form for joining the structure on their website or in the Telegram channel. Please note that you can choose a vacancy for any position from the four elements listed above.

After you submit your application, it and your documents are checked. If everything is in order, you will be contacted individually. Usually, the application is reviewed within 7 days.

The salary in this unit is paid in the same amount as to other regular troops of Ukraine. It cannot be less than the salary of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

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russian Volunteer Corps

The russian Volunteer Corps is a military and political organisation consisting of russian volunteers, mostly russian citizens residing in Ukraine, who have been fighting on the side of Ukraine since 2014 and who have been defending Ukraine since 24 February 2022.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the soldiers have taken part in combat operations in Chernihiv, Kyiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions, as well as in Bryansk and Belgorod regions of russia.

How to join the RVC?

To become a recruit of the russian Volunteer Corps, you must meet the selection criteria:

You will be accepted if you are between the ages of 18 and 45. You also need to be stress-resistant and free from bad habits such as alcohol or drug addiction. Priority is given to those who have carried out guerrilla activities in russia, have experience in combat or military service. 

In addition, the following physical standards are required:

Push-ups - 30 times in 2 minutes; 

Press - 30 times in 2 minutes; 

Pull-ups - 5 times; 

Running - 3.5 km in 17 minutes.

It should be noted that admission to the RVC takes place in four stages:

1. application;

2. recruit training;

3. combat training;

4. signing a contract and full-time service.

To apply to join this unit, you need to use a special bot. After submitting the application, the candidate's identity will be checked, and then a decision will be made. If everything is fine, the unit helps with moving to Ukraine.

It is worth noting that if you have any migration issues and are wondering what documents you need to get to Ukraine, you can consult with our lawyer, who will explain and advise you on all the nuances in detail. More details are available here.

Upon joining the RVC, fighters undergo training that lasts 1 month. At the end of the course, all recruits pass an assessment. After that, the fighter is assigned to a group depending on his skills and their most effective use.

Please note that a recruit becomes a full-fledged fighter only after his first combat engagement. After that, the fighter submits documents for registration and signing a contract. He also begins to receive financial support. 

Battalion Siberia

Unlike volunteer groups such as the Legion of Freedom of russia and the RVC, the Siberia battalion is part of the regular Ukrainian army. 

The battalion is made up of Yakuts and Buryats, who seek independence for their territories in eastern Siberia from russia and believe that Ukraine's victory in the war will be a step towards this goal.

In general, the Siberia battalion is part of the International Legion, which is open to any foreigner who wants to help the Ukrainian army. We will tell you how to do this and how to avoid difficulties here.

We remind you! russian volunteer military units have announced a "march to the elections in russia". The fighters have already crossed the border and engaged in combat with the russian army. We describe the situation there and what they are pursuing here.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

We recommend purchasing it for a safe and comfortable trip to Ukraine: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance – safe travel in Ukraine (insurance covering military risks);

Visit Ukraine Legal advice – comprehensive legal support on entry to Ukraine;
Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours – the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

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