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2 min

09 Mär. 2022


"… - is Ukraine!”. Replace the ellipsis with any temporarily occupied Ukrainian city




"… - is Ukraine!”. Replace the ellipsis with any temporarily occupied Ukrainian city

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For two weeks, peaceful Ukraine has been suffering from missiles and bombs, children and old people are dying, its cities lie in ruins, and our generous black soil is ruthlessly trampled on by tank tracks. Terrible footage of the atrocities perpetrated by the Russian hordes has spread throughout the civilized world.But, there are other shots confirming that Ukrainians are a nation capable of setting an example of the willpower and resilience of any other. On them every day, ignoring attempts to scare people with shots and flash-bang grenades, not being afraid of tanks and armored vehicles, residents of temporarily occupied cities and villages go to rallies and processions, demonstrating to uninvited guests that they are not welcome here. 

Exactly a week ago, on March 2, Russian military equipment surrounded the building of the regional state administration in Kherson. Since then, residents of the city have been protesting with Ukrainian flags, singing the national anthem, chanting: “Kherson is Ukraine!”, “Glory to Ukraine!”, “Glory to the heroes!”, “Death to the enemies!”. They also add something not quite censorship to the address of the Russian president, as well as the ever-memorable ship - a phrase that has recently become, perhaps, the most quoted in the world.

Kherson is far from alone in this patriotic, freedom-loving impulse: Oleshky, Berdyans’k, Beryslav, Kakhovka, Hola Prystan’, Nyzhnje, Sirohozy, the villages of Krasnaya Polyana and Novyi Hay - these and many other settlements of Kherson, Zaporizhzhia and Luhansk regions are trying in every possible way to bring to the invaders that this is not their land, but their “Russian world” is not needed by the citizens of Ukraine in any case.

The day before yesterday, 3,000 people rallied in Chaplynka. Four days ago in Kherson, video recording confirmed the number of protesters at least 2,000. Yesterday in Hola Prystan it was more than three thousand Ukrainians. In social networks and online media, there are a lot of amateur videos from such events. And, amazingly, there is no centralized organization there - everything happens spontaneously, indeed at the call of the heart.

Their participants are people of truly iron restraint and colossal courage: several facts of opening fire on peaceful protesters by Russian troops have been recorded. This happened on March 1 in Melitopol’, on the 4th in Novopskov and on the 7th in Novaya Kakhovka - the list is far from complete.

Unfortunately, contrary to the rules of humane warfare and morality, as such, the military personnel of the Russian Federation cynically tried on the role of punishers and continue to multiply the list of wounded and dead Ukrainian patriots.

Also everywhere there are refusals from the humanitarian aid of the "liberators".  Even in those settlements in which a real humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding right at this moment.  It is thanks to these people that it becomes extremely clear to the whole world that Ukraine has already defeated Putin's hordes.  Her freedom-loving spirit cannot be broken, and Ukrainians will never be brought to their knees.

Just the other day, the forces of the SOF Armed Forces of Ukraine created a website https://sprotyv.mod.gov.ua/, where residents of temporarily occupied settlements of Ukraine can find advice on conducting peaceful resistance to the invaders, on sabotage that is safe for life and health, on collecting and transmitting data about the enemy, and even on moral pressure on him. 

In conditions of active hostilities and continuous maneuvering of Russian troops, this information will be extremely useful to Ukrainians. But the most important thing for all of us is not to doubt for a second that indeed : “Everything will be Ukraine ”