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03 Mär. 2023


How to receive pensions for Ukrainian citizens temporarily residing in Poland: detailed instructions

How to receive pensions for Ukrainian citizens temporarily residing in Poland: detailed instructions

Ukrainians currently residing in Poland can continue to receive pensions from Ukraine. Find out more about how to apply for payments and what you need to do

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Citizens of Ukraine can apply for a pension if they have found temporary shelter in the Republic of Poland.

Thus, the Ministry of Reintegration, together with the Pension Fund of Ukraine, has prepared an explanation that applies to both pensioners who have already received a pension in Ukraine and those who have reached retirement age abroad.

How to receive a pension from Ukraine if you temporarily reside in Poland?

Ukrainians can apply for pensions in two ways:

- through a personal account on the Pension Fund's electronic services web portal,

- through the Social Insurance Institution of the Republic of Poland (ZUS).

Read more about the application mechanism and the list of required documents below.

How to apply for a pension payment through a personal account on the Pension Fund's electronic services web portal: instructions

1. Go to the Pension Fund's electronic services portal;

2. Select the "Application for Pension" tab, read the information that appears on the screen, and then follow the "Login" link;

3. Log in with a qualified electronic signature (QES) or Diia.Signature and enter your personal account;

4. In the section "On pension provision", select the "Application for pension" tab. Provide consent to remote informing by choosing the method of receiving notifications about the processing of the application (through the web portal or by SMS to your mobile phone number or e-mail address). Click "Continue" and select the type of pension - "Old Age Pension";

5. Answer the questions in the survey questionnaire to fill in the application attributes and consent to the transfer and processing of your personal data (tick the box);

6. Attach scanned copies of the required documents prepared in accordance with the requirements for scanned copies of documents (see the list below).

After these steps, the full application form will appear on the screen, check the correctness of the data entered.

7. Sign the application using the QES or Diia.Signature and send it to the Fund by clicking "Sign and send to Pension Fund".

Based on the results of processing the application and submitted documents, a decision is made no later than 10 days from the date of their receipt. You will receive information on the status of processing the application and the relevant decision in the way you choose (in your electronic cabinet or by SMS).

What documents are required?

To apply for pension payments through your personal account on the Pension Fund's electronic services web portal, you must provide the following documents

- passport of a citizen of Ukraine;

- taxpayer registration number (if any);

- documents on insurance period (employment record book, clarifying certificate, diploma, military ID card, etc;)

- details of the person's account opened with an authorized bank (in Ukraine).

Please note! Documents are submitted in the form of scanned copies.

How are the funds credited?

Payments will be credited to the person's account opened in an authorized bank (in Ukraine).

How to apply for a pension payment through the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS): instructions

1. Contact the territorial office of ZUS at your place of residence in Poland with the original documents (see the list below);

2. The ZUS territorial office will fill in and certify the necessary forms and copies of documents, send them to the relevant body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine;

3. The Fund's body will review the documents and make a decision, which will be communicated to ZUS and the person;

4. The pension is transferred quarterly to the pensioner's personal (foreign currency) account opened in a Polish bank (in euros at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine).

What documents are required?

To apply for pension payments through the Social Insurance Institution of the Republic of Poland (ZUS), you need to provide the following documents

- passport;

- certificate of assignment of a UKR PESEL number or a household card or identity card;

- taxpayer registration number (if any);

- documents on insurance experience (employment record book, clarifying certificate, diploma, military ID, etc;)

- a certificate with bank details of a personal (foreign currency) account opened in a Polish bank.

Please note! The documents are sent to the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the form of certified copies.

How are the funds credited?

Payments will be credited to the person's personal (foreign currency) account opened in a Polish bank.

We will remind! Ukrainians who have reached the age of 60 and have the required length of service can apply for a pension online in Ukraine and while abroad. You can apply for a pension at any time after reaching the required age. We will tell you how to apply for a pension online by following the link.

Photo: Adobe Stock, vivoo

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