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04 Mär. 2022


Information for foreigners evacuating by railways




Information for foreigners evacuating by railways

Help our volunteers who support Ukraine and all foreigners in the country 24/7

For the attention of foreign citizens, that leave Ukraine by railways. More than 58,000 foreigners have left Ukraine by railway transport in 8 days.

  • Find evacuation corridors, that have already been organized for foreigners. Moreover, groups of citizens from other countries are formed to carry out their transportation.
  • In some trains separate cars in long-distance and suburban trains are designated for the foreigners.
  • At Kyiv, Lviv, Uzhgorod, Chop Railway Stations you can find English-speaking volunteers who can provide necessary information.
  • At the volunteer camps in Zakarpattia and Lviv regions volunteer centers you can receive medical care and food, including vegetarian meals.
  • Crossing the border for foreigners is also carried out under a simplified procedure.

Ukrainian railways publish the schedule at around 21:00 daily. The schedule shows the number of trains running to Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.