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07 Jan. 2023


Temporary protection in Denmark: how to get it, entry rules and finding housing

Für Flüchtlinge
Temporary protection in Denmark: how to get it, entry rules and finding housing

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Denmark has continued to provide shelter to refugees on its territory. Learn more about how to get temporary protection in Denmark, rules for entering the country, finding a job and housing

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

Many Ukrainians have returned home, but European countries continue to accept those seeking refuge abroad. Although Denmark is far from Ukraine, it willingly accepts Ukrainians and provides refugees with the necessary support.

How to enter Denmark?

Tourists can enter the country with a biometric foreign passport and stay within the EU for up to 90 days.

Ukrainians seeking refuge from the war can come to Denmark with an internal passport of a Ukrainian citizen or a birth certificate (for children). You do not need to take out travel insurance, but you can buy it to guarantee medical care.

Obtaining the status of a displaced person

Back in March, the Danish government adopted a special law that allows refugees from Ukraine to legalize their stay in the country. Ukrainians can obtain a residence permit, employment and receive social assistance.

According to the law, the residence permit is valid for two years (until March 2024) with the possibility of extension.

To obtain this status, you must meet the following requirements:

• be a citizen of Ukraine and live in Ukraine until February 24, 2022;

• come to Denmark after February 1, 2022, provided that you did not reside or have another residence permit in the country as of February 24, 2022;

• be a close relative of a person who received a residence permit in Denmark in accordance with the Special Act.

The next step is to apply for a temporary residence permit.

Where to apply?

You must complete the application online here or write it by hand (using this sample). The Danish Immigration Service will receive it and give you an answer.

Before entering the data, prepare the following documents:

• a document confirming your identity;

• documents of your children (passport or birth certificate);

• confirmation of refugee status in Ukraine (relevant for non-citizens of Ukraine);

• employment contract (if you have received a job offer in Denmark).

After completing the application, you need to attend a visit to the Danish Immigration Service's Civil Affairs Service to submit your biometric data and establish your identity (if you did not do this at the border crossing). You can make an appointment online using the link. Please note that children must also attend the visit.

While you are waiting for the result of the review of the application, Denmark allows refugees to live in a special center. Of course, you can find housing yourself: stay with friends or rent an apartment.

After receiving a temporary residence permit, you will be told in which municipality you will live, as this is decided by the Danish Immigration Service. Your municipality will be responsible for finding housing and work, providing benefits, etc.

Where to look for a job in Denmark?

Refugees from Ukraine can legally work in Denmark. We recommend viewing vacancies and looking for job search advice on the following resources:

• Jobguideukraine.dk

• Jobnet.dk

• Jobindex.dk


Do refugees need to open a bank account?

All Danish citizens have NemKonto, so Ukrainians should also open it. This account is intended for receiving payments from government agencies.

Pay attention! You can register your Ukrainian bank account as NemKonto. To do this, you need to have a digital signature. Details here.

Social assistance to Ukrainians in Denmark


According to the Danish Law "On Social Services", Ukrainians can receive social assistance. The decision to provide support is made by the municipality. You can get aids for people with disabilities and support for vulnerable children.

There is also an opportunity to receive financial payments. The amount and type of assistance depends on your financial situation, the presence of children in the family, the number of employed persons, etc.

Access to the medical system

Immigrants from Ukraine who have received a residence permit and social insurance numbers can use the services of the medical system on the same level as citizens of Denmark.

Education in Denmark

1. Preschool education. Children aged 5 to 10 can attend kindergartens. The municipality in which you live will offer a place in kindergarten no later than 3 months after the corresponding application.

2. School education. School attendance is compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and 17 who are legally in Denmark. Teenagers who have completed an incomplete secondary education can enter the upper secondary education program. In accordance with the legislation, training can take place in Ukrainian or English and in a distance format.

3. Higher education. With a residence permit, you can get higher education for free.

Do I need to exchange my driver's license?

Ukrainians who arrived in the country in their own car must contact the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency (Motorstyrelsen) before crossing the border. Within the next 30 days, you need to register the car here.

Contacts of emergency services

• Immigration Service of Denmark: tel. +45 35366600

• Embassy of Ukraine in Copenhagen: tel. +45 33185620 and +45 81455260

• Emergency assistance (medical and fire services): 112

• Police: +45 114

Remember! An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine. In order to protect yourself from troubles abroad and to be calm for yourself and your loved ones, Visit Ukraine recommends not to delay and take out insurance online.

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