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06 Nov. 2022


Reviving tourism: how tourism countries and services are recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic

Reviving tourism: how tourism countries and services are recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic

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Take out travel insurance to feel safe in any situation when traveling abroad

The tourism sector is gradually recovering after the Covid-19 epidemic. At the beginning of the summer of 2022, most countries have eliminated almost all quarantine restrictions. Spain was the last in Europe to lift the ban on tourists only in October 2022. After a break of almost 2 years, real chaos was observed at the airports again, and most of the popular resorts were crowded with tourists.

Features of travel after the Covid-19 epidemic

According to the World Tourism Organization, the number of international travelers in January-July 2022 tripled, by 172%, compared to the same period in 2021. Almost half a million tourists went on the trip, 70% of whom visited European countries.

The top 5 tourist destinations include Turkey, in particular Istanbul, Denmark, France, Portugal and Montenegro. The field of tourism in the Middle East, the USA and Australia is also actively recovering.

After the pandemic, most tourists prefer beach vacations, mountain tourism, and family vacations. It is interesting that people have stopped postponing their dream trip. From now on, travelers are willing to spend more money on vacation.

Experts believe that the revival of tourism will continue in 2023, but full recovery is expected only by 2025. From now on, the war in Ukraine, inflation and the increase in the cost of living became obstacles to travel. Ukraine ranked 12th in the world in terms of the number of outbound trips, so restrictions were introduced on the territory of the state to prevent the European market from fully recovering in the next hour.

Record revenue for the Airbnb service

The third quarter of 2022 was the most profitable period in the history of the rental platform Airbnb. The company's total revenue for the period reached $2.8 billion, a 29% year-over-year increase. According to the company, the number of reservations increased by 25%.

It is worth noting that the number of bookings with a long stay has increased - 20% of all orders were for stays of more than 28 days. The company also noted that the number of people renting out housing is increasing - people are interested in additional income in times of crisis.

As a reminder, Visit Ukraine continues to actively research current Covid-19 restrictions and constantly update information on the website. Choose the country to which you are planning a trip and find out all the necessary information about the rules for crossing the state border.