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12 Mar. 2022


Slovakia: useful information for refugees


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Slovakia: useful information for refugees

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Slovakia: useful information for refugees

How to get to Slovakia, how to get temporary asylum and where to seek help? We will remind - departure from Ukraine is forbidden to men from 18 till 60 years.

• Border crossing

- People without foreign passports can cross the border. It is desirable for people with children to have a birth certificate.

- When crossing the border by car, a green card insurance is required. Travel and other insurance are not required.

- Free crossing of the border with pets is allowed.

• Documents

Individuals with or without a biometric passport will be able to enter Slovakia. With a biometric passport available, you can travel through Slovakia and the entire European Union for 90 days.

One of the forms must be filled in on the day of crossing the border. Volunteers will then contact you and coordinate the settlement.

Form 1 (https://forms.gle/VWXcsUpjUeTHtXqf9 )

Form 2 (https://forms.office.com/r/UDAvkvqMcv )

If the volunteers don't contact you for a few hours, wait, there's a very large flow of people.

• Transit entry for residents / third-country nationals

You can use transit through Slovakia if you have a valid biometric passport. In this case, you must leave Slovakia within 72 hours of entry.

• Border crossing points

There are three border checkpoints, Vyshne-Nemetske, Ublya and Velke Slementse.

Information on the time and format of checkpoints is updated here (https://www.financnasprava.sk/.../info.../hranicne-priechody )

• Quarantine restrictions suspended

Mandatory quarantine and registration in the eHranica system has been terminated

Order No. 10/2022. Documents on COVID vaccination, PCR test are not required.

• International protection or short stay of up to 90 days

A citizen of Ukraine with a valid foreign biometric passport will have the opportunity to receive both international protection (asylum or subsidiary protection) and the right to a short stay in the EU for up to 90 days. A citizen of Ukraine without a valid travel document or without any documents can apply for international protection under the EU asylum procedure.

• Temporary shelter

Amendments to the Law of 26 February 2022 on Asylum allow the government to grant temporary asylum to foreigners even without a decision of the EU Council. This procedure does not replace the asylum procedure in the EU. The amendment provides an additional method of international refugee protection.

• Temporary emergency camp

On the territory of the Slovak fire and rescue forces built a temporary camp in Humennoe and equipped ~ 30 tents with camp beds, rugs and sleeping bags, heating, lighting, dining room and toiletries. The capacity of the camp is 500 people.

• Free public transport

Applies to intercity trains and suburban buses for citizens of Ukraine. The railway company of the Slovak Republic (ZSSK) and the bus carrier Slovak Lines carry free of charge.

Free travel on InterCity trains for citizens of Ukraine with a valid passport.

In some oblasts (Bratislava and Trnava) free commuter bus travel has been introduced for Ukrainian citizens.

- Refugee camps (https://www.facebook.com/588989111148781/posts/5253591788021800 ), organized by Slovakia

• Useful information on the Facebook page Ukrainians in Slovakia (https://www.facebook.com/groups/ukrajincivsk/?ref=share )


Humanitarian aid points (food, clothing, hygiene items) have been set up in almost every major city in Slovakia. You can find out about them from your volunteer who will help with the placement.


- Useful links

1. Consulate of Ukraine in Slovakia (https://ua.gov.sk/ )

2. IOM Migration Information Center (https://www.mic.iom.sk/ru/2015-02-03-14-35-35/759-info-situacija-v-ukraine.html )

3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia (https://www.mzv.sk/ukrajina )

4. Landing rerus with general information (https://www.ukraineslovakia.sk/?fbclid=IwAR0OT0CZwLaQz5xHLWnFSiw4HbU8XJnF4WifcOJMtP_V-Wp2OWu9ZjSHNx4 )

Keep yourselves! Everything will be Ukraine!