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16 Mar. 2023


Verification of IDPs' residence addresses canceled in Ukraine: what is known

For refugees
Verification of IDPs' residence addresses canceled in Ukraine: what is known

In October, Ukraine started checking the actual addresses of IDPs. This check has now been canceled. Find out more about the changes

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Due to the war, thousands of Ukrainians had to leave their homes and move to a safer area. According to the laws of Ukraine, all internally displaced persons were required to register their new place of residence. 

Verification of the actual place of residence of IDPs. What does it mean?

In October 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued a decree, according to which the National Social Service of Ukraine began to selectively check the actual location of internally displaced persons (IDPs) at their previously indicated addresses. The checks were carried out to prevent IDPs from illegally receiving cash benefits.

You can read more about the checks in our previous article

Cancellation of inspections: what is wrong with them 

If a random inspection revealed that an internally displaced person was not at their previously registered place of residence, they automatically lost the right to financial assistance without the right to appeal the decision. 

Now the inspections have been cancelled. Dmytro Lubinets, the Human Rights Ombudsman, addressed the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories with this issue.

The Ombudsman believes that such actions of social services are wrong, and even more so - illegal. 

"The law on checking the place of residence of IDPs does not say anything about warning people about the visit of the social service. Usually during the day, most people are at work, but this does not mean that they do not live at the previously indicated place of residence", -  says Dmytro Lubinets. 

In addition, the Ministry of Social Policy and the National Social Service provided clarification to the territorial bodies of social services on the need to warn IDPs about the visit to check them. In particular:

 During the inspection an official of the National Social Service must draw up a corresponding act.

 Also, he should leave a message about the need to come to the body of social protection to undergo identification within 10 days.

 And only in case of non-appearance the IDPs may have their IDP status cancelled and payments provided for them terminated.

 "Checks should be carried out only if there is a suspicion of unlawful receipt of assistance", - stressed Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk. 

Pay attention! IDP status can be lost if you move abroad, return to your place of permanent residence or if you do not timely report a change in the actual place of residence.

We remind you, earlier we told you about the approved mechanism for the forced evacuation of children from the combat zone. More information is available here.

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